Access 1
Access Today, Empowered Tomorrow
We are specialist in Electrical Engineering and Data Communication network system
Access 1 Engineering and Services Sdn Bhd (801623-A), was incorporated as an engineering systems specialist to focus and handle system-based projects for the telecommunication and in-building industries. Access 1 represents a number of overseas manufacturers of telecommunication equipment and is associated with some established foreign telecommunications specialists such as Ikusi (Spain), Global Invacom Fibre Solution (UK), ABS Satellite (Hong Kong) and ASIX Ptd Ltd (HK).
Access 1 Engineering & Services Sdn Bhd, specializes in the design and installation of communications systems for the emerging broadband hybrid fiber coaxial (HFC) networks industry. These systems enable high-speed transmission of data voice, and video for telecommunications and interactive multimedia applications – primarily used for cable and IPTV currently.The installed networks will allow subscribers to be linked to a huge range of interactive services offered by various companies. This includes services such as private networking, LAN-to-LAN services, video conferencing, education, shopping, Internet cable telephony and others.

Mr Low Chee Hwa, Founder/CEO
Team Access 1
Equipped with years of experience, our team of professional engineers and qualified technician are dedicated to design and deliver future-proof information technology systems for our clients.

Technology Partner

Satisfied customers

Reach Us
No 5 & 5-1, Jalan 5/18D Batu 5, Off Jalan Ipoh Taman Mastiara 51100 Kuala Lumpur
+603- 62592807